Getting Any%3F

Getting Any? , Minn yatteru ka? , literally Is everyone doing it? is a 1995 Japanese film, written, directed, edited, and starring, Japanese filmmaker Takeshi Kitano.

According to Kitano, his purpose in this movie was to laugh at his own gags, to make a mockery of them. He also wanted to laugh at the young Japanese men, those born after World War II, who were simpleminded and much too direct and simplistic when it came to talking with girls about having sex. Kitano denied satirizing Japanese society, and claimed that his aim in this movie was to make the audience laugh.In Getting any? Minoru Iizuka, also known as Dankan Boiling Point, portrays Asao, a naive and goofy man who lives with his grandfather in Saitama Prefecture. Even though Asao isyears old, he is very inexperienced with girls, but he absolutely wants to have sex. One day as he watches an erotic TV film, he realizes that all he needs to get girls and sex is a fancy car, so he runs to the closest car dealer. ........

Source: Wikipedia